What does a Virtual Session entail? 

  1. Pre-work in the form of a survey (sent prior to the session):
    a. Questions specifically about your company
    b. What do you hope to gain from the session
    c. What issues you’ve identified within the company

  2. Zoom session (to max of 100 attendees) – maximum of 2 hours:
    a. 30-45 minute presentation
    b. Q&A with attendees
    c. Full participant discussion/chat

  3. Follow up two weeks later:
    a. What have you learned
    b. Have you started putting anything into action
    c. Additional questions 

Optional — Follow up session 6 + months later 

a. Zoom session – 1 hour in length
b. Review of action items/questions that have come up since the two week follow up 


Initial session: Contact for pricing
Follow up session: Contact for pricing

Book a Virtual Session with Ren!